
Showing posts from July, 2011


After receiving Astro bill this month, I noticed that astro did go ahead with the increment despite objections from a lot of people. Corporate is above the law. I contacted them intending to terminate the service but they told me that i can't do that since I'm an under one year user thus still enslaved chained to an agreement I sign up earlier, an agreement in favour of astro that did mention the user cannot unsubscribe under one year. To be fair Astro too have to be bind by agreement that it cannot impose new rate to all under one year subscriber since that particular user do not have the freedom of unsubscribing. Their service is not really that good, the latest sponge bob was shown on tv3 first before astro and most of its show such as world richest people and pimp my ride was 5 years older, plus the number of its commercial break nearly catching up with TV3's. But who cares Astro will not hear anybody. Astro is too big, too arogant and have small dick.


Chinese married couple clueless about sex Other News & Views by LEE YEN MUN, NG SI HOOI and A.RAMAN A HIGHLY educated couple, in their 30s from Hubei, China, thought that the wife would get pregnant by sleeping on the same bed, Sin Chew Daily reported. Prior to their marriage, the couple did not dare hold hands and kiss as they thought the woman would get pregnant by doing so, reported a China newspaper Chu Tian Jin Bao. However, the couple decided to seek medical advice after the wife, who holds a masters degree, could not conceive. They have been married for three years. The doctor was shocked to learn about their “sex life”. The husband, who has a doctoral degree, said they were too focused on their studies. ~STAR GF: Ridiculous... that is why this thing is call basic instinct or animal instinct it is learnt naturally like food consumption and need for shelter etc.


Penyakit malas blogging aku dah datang balik da hahaha. Tapi takpe aku cuba juga hehehe. Dalam post ini aku ada dua cerita yang ingin dikongsi dengan semua. Cerita yang pertama.  Baru-baru ni aku pergi ke bank dengan mak. Disebabkan susah nak dapat parking, hanya mak yang masuk ke bank dan aku hanya menunggu di dalam kereta. Pada masa itu jam menunjukkan pukul 1 tengah hari. Di sebelah kanan aku ada deretan kedai dan yang paling hampir dengan aku ialah sebuah klinik dan dua buah kedai menjual peralatan seperti enjin air, mesin potong rumput dan sebagainya. Aku terpandang satu tulisan di pintu klinik tersebut, "REHAT 1.00 TGH/HARI - 2.30 PTG". tidak lama selepas itu, salah seorang pemilik kedai yang menjual barang-barang peralatan di sebelah klinik keluar dan menutup kedainya. Bila sudah menutup kedainya, digantung sekeping papan kecil yang bertulis "REHAT 1.00 PTG HINGGA 2.30 PTG". Kedai yang menjual peralatan satu lagi aku lihat takde tanda-tanda yang pemi...