10 lame superheroes
10 superheroes with utterly useless powers Yahoo Newsroom - Tuesday, 12 June 2012 Yes, we'll be the first to admit that your cool factor will be quadrupled (more than that, actually) if you have superpowers like Superman. But wait; not all superheroes have super awesome powers. Don't believe us? Check out these ten superheroes who, sadly, have less-than-super powers. Poor dudes and dudettes. 1) ARM FALL OFF BOY (DC COMICS) Not-so-super power: Ability to detach his limbs We’re totally not joking! Created by DC Comics, Arm Fall Off Boy’s superpower is the ability to detach his arms and use them as blunt weapons. Like, how sad of a superpower is that? But the good thing is; if you need help, he can give you a hand – literally! 2) CYPHER (MARVEL COMICS) Not-so-super power: Ability to translate any language Cypher is a superhero created by Marvel whose superpower is, in superhero term, “semi-telepathic and semi-clairvoyant omnilingualism”. In simple Engl...